HYFC-ZJ series rolling mill passive filter compensation device improves power quality

Our company is proud to launch the HYFC-ZJ series rolling mill passive filter compensation device, which is a cutting-edge solution designed to solve the challenges posed by inductive loads with severe harmonics below 10KV. This innovative low voltage filter dynamic reactive power compensation device is customized for applications such as DC rolling mills, spot welding machines, elevators and other industrial equipment. The device uses a single tuned filter channel to effectively reduce the adverse effects of power grid harmonics and ensure compliance with international standards such as “GB/T-14549-93″.

The primary goal of our passive filter compensation devices is to optimize power supply quality, minimize power loss, and improve the overall economic benefits of the enterprise. By reducing voltage and current distortion, our solutions significantly improve power supply quality, thereby helping to improve operational efficiency and save costs. In addition, this equipment has a wide range of applications and is suitable for industrial and mining enterprises, oil fields, ports, residential areas, rural power grids, etc.

One of the main features of the HYFC-ZJ series rolling mill passive filter compensation device is its advanced controller that intelligently tracks system load and facilitates seamless automatic switching operations. This ensures that switching oscillations and reactive power transfer problems are eliminated while maintaining the power factor at optimal levels. In addition, the switching mechanism is flexible, allowing users to choose contactor, thyristor or composite switch switching methods to adapt to different grid environments.

Our passive filter compensation devices comply with national standards and comply with the harmonic content limits specified in GB/T 14549, underscoring our commitment to providing reliable, compliant solutions. With a proven track record in improving power quality and efficiency, the HYFC-ZJ series of rolling mill passive filter compensation units is a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence in power solutions.

Passive filter compensation device for HYFC-ZJ series rolling mill

Post time: May-17-2024